The Papal Encyclical Series - Pope Leo XIII

The Papal Encyclical Series - Pope Leo XIII
Pope Leo XIII
Pope Leo XIII

On January 10th, 1890, Pope Leo XIII wrote an encyclical entitled, "Chief Duties of Christian Citizens". It served as the inspiration for this newsletter, and after we explore its contents together, you will understand why. We will explore the encyclical in installments, pausing along the way to really let the wisdom of a great Pope sink deep into our hearts and minds.

Pope Leo could have written this encyclical for us today. It is poignant and full of powerful truths that I pray will rally us to become truly Catholic in our daily lives and practice. He wrote it to motivate Catholics to take action in the world, to inform them of their duties to God, to the state, and what is required of us by God in our belief and conduct.

This installment of Pope Leo's encyclical will begin our Papal Encyclical Series. The Popes have written so many wonderful things in encyclicals over the years, and they rarely are quoted or given much attention in our modern world. The solutions to so many of our spiritual and temporal problems have already been solved by our fathers in the faith, the Vicars of Christ on earth.

For this newsletter, I shall be recording audios of the encyclicals (and future content) in smaller, digestible, chunks, so that you can listen to them anywhere and anytime. Once we complete the entire encyclical, a page will be created that has all the parts listed together so that you can easily access them all in one place.

In addition to the Papal Encyclical Series, I will also begin recording St. Peter Canisius' Catechism, which shall inaugurate our Catechism Series, where we will explore old catechisms in order to obtain a firm foundation in the basic truths of our faith.

Next, I will begin recording The Christian Parent Series, where we shall explore Christian Fatherhood and Motherhood. Both of those topics have been sorely neglected by the modern world, and there exists a wealth of Catholic writing on these subjects.

Now that you have an idea of what is to come, let's begin the first installment of our Papal Encyclical Series, with Part I of Pope Leo XIII's, "The Chief Duties of Christian Citizens".

Section 1 and 2 on the Living Echoes YouTube Channel