Is There Any Other True Church Besides the Holy Catholic Church?
In Butler's Irish Catechism, we are asked this question in Lesson X, On the True Church. Is there any other true Church besides the Holy Catholic Church? Many men of today would say "absolutely" but is that the answer we are given in the Catechism?
What must we echo what our Fathers have always said regarding this matter, no matter how uncomfortable it makes the listener. True charity sometimes requires us to tell the truth even when we know the hearer will not like it.
The answer given by the Catechism says: "No; as there is but one Lord, one faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all, there is but one true Church. - Eph 4:5 & 6". Then it continues: "Q. Are all obliged to be of the true Church? A. Yes; no one can be saved out of it. - Acts 2, John 10, Matthew 28".
Rev. Butler clearly reiterates the divine revelation of Christ that no one is saved outside the Catholic Church. Some modernists today will dare to say they in fact believe this. How can they say this with a straight face? Because they believe "the Church" includes men of all walks of life, and any and all religions. But what does the Catechism say? Further on it asks, "Q. In what else is the Church one? A. In all its members believing the same truths, having the same sacraments and sacrifice, and being under one visible head on earth."
Do Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Freemasons, Protestants, and the Eastern "Orthodox" all believe the same truths and posses the same sacraments and sacrifice and all operate under one visible head on earth? No, of course not. They therefore cannot all be inside the same Church, and certainly not all part of the true Church.
In these days of moral and theological relativism, it is more important than ever to study the simple Catechism to know our faith intimately, lest we be carried away by the winds of the vain "science" of men, and the myriad of cults who claim the truth apart from Jesus Christ.
In the upcoming weeks, Living Echoes is planning on doing a video series of St. Peter Canisius' Catechism, and supplementing our learning with Butler's Irish Catechism. There also may be opportunities for members-only video call group study sessions for St. Peter's Catechism. If anyone is interested in that, email me at and put in the subject line ST. PETER.
May the Holy Mother of God pray for us to keep the faith now and always.