Future Projects Announcement

Future Projects Announcement
Stained glass window of the Sorrowful Heart of Mary

To all the new subscribers - welcome to Living Echoes. To all who have subscribed from the beginning, thank you for your continued support. I hope you finding benefit from the content and the Catholic truth it contains.

I wanted to take this opportunity to share our past work in one place and to give you updates on what content you can look forward to:


  • The final installment of The Chief Duties of Christian Citizens by Pope Leo XIII, sections 21-23. To be released as soon as possible.
  • April 27th, 9:00pm Eastern Time, Living Echoes Podcast Interview with Michael Creighton. This interview is much anticipated because it will shed light on a controversial topic - Did the 1917 Code of Canon Law (CIC) and the Catechism of the Council of Trent (the Roman Catechism) originally teach that some souls can be saved without being born again of water and the Holy Ghost? We will explore the original Latin from the CIC on the relevant canons and a 1647 Latin edition of the Catechism of Trent.
  • May 11th, 7:00pm Eastern Time, Living Echoes Podcast Interview with His Excellency Bishop Gabriel Tetherow. We will explore his Apostolic lineage, what is required to have valid Apostolic Succession and why that is so important, and how the faithful today may receive valid and licit sacraments - what do you need to know and look for in clergy to be able to validly and licitly approach and receive sacraments from them?

Once the final installment of Chief Duties of Christian Citizens has been published, we will begin work on St. Peter Canisius' Catechism. A remarkable work which directly flies in the face of the modernism we are faced with today. It was written for the laity and is simple yet profound in its explanations. More than ever we need a solid foundation in the basics of our faith, especially our children, and this work from a celebrated saint and Doctor of the Church is truly stupendous.


Living Echoes Podcast - E01 - On Catholic Masculinity with His Excellency, Bishop Gabriel Tetherow

Living Echoes Podcast - E02 - The Blood of Christ on My Hands - an Interview with Bishop Tetherow