Butler's Irish Catechism - Lesson 1, Part 2 - On God and the Creation of the World

Butler's Irish Catechism - Lesson 1, Part 2 - On God and the Creation of the World

Q. Will God judge our most secret thoughts and actions? A. Yes; and every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it on the day of judgment - Matthew 12:36

Q. Had God a beginning? A. No; He always was, and always will be.

Q. Can God do all things? A. Yes; with God all things are possible, and nothing can be difficult to Him - Matthew 19:26

Q. How did God make the world? A. Of nothing; and by His word only - that is, by a single act of His all-powerful will.

Q. Why did God make the world? A. For His own glory, to show His power and wisdom, and for man's use and benefit - Psalm 18.

Commentary: This concludes Lesson 1. The answers are remarkably simple, yet profound. These simple basics can never be repeated too often, for they are the foundation of our faith and the most essential truths of reality. Here we see that God is good, for He made the world for man's benefit and use. Many today dare to raise their fists to heaven and complain about God being evil or indifferent, but our simple Catechism refutes them. God had us in mind when He made the world, and He created each of us with special intention and attention of His will.

We also see that the world shows God's power and wisdom, and this is indeed most true. Whose mind has not been carried up to heaven when they see the beauty of a snow-capped mountain, the stars gleaming in the heavens, or the terror of a storm? We see most clearly the infinite power of God in His creation, and we see how all things are governed by Him in the laws of nature who can boast of God as their author.

We see here that God creates by a single act of His will. This is the might of His power; for no other being can create things out of nothing by a mere act of will. God alone has this power, despite what modern man wishes to claim. Men must use what is around them and fashion it into something new for a new purpose. Life is also the sole domain of God. For He alone can give life. Men can plant seeds all they wish; if God does not give it life, it will not grow. Men and women can join themselves in conjugal relations as often as they see fit, yet their union will not result in a child unless God gives life to their union. Look then at the countless miracles God works each day; at the myriad of moments where God gives life to new men, new animals, and new plants. Truly, He governs all things sweetly (Wisdom 8:1).

Summary of Lesson 1 Part 2: The eternal God, who from nothing brought all of creation into being by one act of His all-powerful will, proving He can truly do all things, showed forth His glory, power and wisdom to the benefit of mankind.