Butler's Irish Catechism - Lesson 1, Part 1 - On God and the Creation of the World

Butler's Irish Catechism - Lesson 1, Part 1 - On God and the Creation of the World

All of the questions and answers are taken from Butler's Irish Catechism and will be bolded. All commentary is mine, and will be un-bolded.

Question (Q). Who made the world? Answer (A). God.

Q. Who is God? A. The Creator and Sovereign Lord of heaven and earth, and of all things.

Q. How many Gods are there? A. There is but one God, who will reward the good, and punish the wicked.

Q. Where is God? A. God is everywhere, but is said principally to be in heaven, where He manifests Himself to the blessed.

Q. What is heaven? A. The kingdom of God's glory, and of His angels and saints.

Q. If God be everywhere, why do we not see Him? A. Because God is a pure spirit, having no body, and therefore cannot be seen with corporal eyes.

Q. Does God see us? A. He does, and continually watches over us.

Q. Does God know all things? A. Yes; all things are naked, and open to His eyes, even our most secret thoughts and actions. - Hebrews 4:13

Commentary: As we can see, these answers are simple and straightforward. So many questions that men of "education" and learning struggle so mightily with today are answered on one page in only a few words. For a Catholic, we know these truths thanks to God's divine revelation through His instrument, the Catholic Church, the Mystical Body of Christ. For men of the world, they are left groping in darkness with nothing but their own reason or emotions to guide them. Such a state is truly a hopeless one; for the amount of things to know is nearly infinite, and all the combinations and possibilities practically endless. Without accepting the Divine Revelation of Jesus Christ, man is left in the cold and the darkness, without sufficient tools or means to find his way. How can he find his way, when he knows not his origin, his destination, or his purpose? How can he know his purpose if he does not know God, His creator? Is such a situation hopeless however? Far from it. For as we see here, God continually watches over us. He is always guiding those outside His Church to find it and enter it by faith and baptism, the gateway to the spiritual life and the key to being born again as an adopted Son of God. He loves all mankind, despite their sin, for He died for all mankind while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8) to save us.

Summary of Lesson 1, Part 1: The one God, a pure spirit and creator and sovereign over the entire world, who will punish the wicked and reward the good, continually watches over us and guides us from His principle seat of heaven among the saints and angels; and being present everywhere, He knows all things and sees into the innermost chambers of the minds and hearts of man.